Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

Aurora Opal vs. Other Synthetic Opals

Aurora Opal

Though there are numerous gemstones available out there, aurora opal gemstones have always been dear to people. That is because of its play of color property and unique natural beauty.

Aurora opal and synthetic gemstones are both man-made and formed in labs. Both these opal gemstones aim to look similar to the naturally formed opals. And to no surprise, they resemble the original opals to a great extent.

Thus, to understand the difference between the two we have a comparative guide for aurora opals vs. synthetic opals. In this blog, we will discuss both aurora opals and synthetic opals and how we can differentiate between the two.

Aurora Opals vs. Synthetic Opals

Aurora opal gemstones and synthetic opal crystals can be differentiated in various scales. Some of them are discussed below:

What is the composition of Aurora Opals and Synthetic Opals?

The aurora opals are formed manually by mixing silica and resin in preferred quantities. The general composition required for formation is 15-20% silica and 80-85% resin.

This ratio forms non-porous gemstones that reflect light beautifully when viewed from different angles. To know more about aurora opal gemstones have a look at: Aurora Opal Unveiled: Facts, Myths, and Hidden Wonders.

Whereas synthetic opals are made using several methods. The processes used for its formation are the Kyocera process and synthetic impregnated opals. Its composition varies as per the method used for its formation in the labs.

Inner Pattern and Play of Color in Aurora Opals and Synthetic Opals

Aurora opal gemstones have an irregular inner pattern that is non-directional similar to that of the other naturally formed opals. Because of this pattern, it displays various colors when seen from various angles.

One can get to see mesmerizing colors in aurora opal crystals whenever they view the gemstone from different angles. Other gemstones which are similar in look to the aurora opals are Peridot Stone and Labradorite Stone.

Whereas synthetic opals are formed using various methods that result in different play of colors in the gemstones. For example, the Kyocera opals have uniform patterns that display specific colors at a certain angle.

Synthetic-impregnated opal gemstones have a non-directional pattern which allows them to reflect light at different angles. This results in a display of different colors at different angles and makes it difficult to distinguish it from the naturally formed opals.

Qualities of Aurora Opals and Synthetic Opals

Aurora opal gemstones are particularly hard and do not get damaged easily. This makes the gemstone suitable for pairing it with your daily wear. These are also resistant to up to 140 degrees.

Whereas the hardness of the synthetic opal gemstones can vary according to the method of formation used. For example, the Kyocera opals are known for their durability where the impregnated ones might get damaged easily.

The gemstone is very versatile in that it suits all occasions and one can pair its jewels with any outfit. Like it can be worn for a casual outing, dinner date, or some meeting, aurora opal jewels can suit all occasions.

The Expensiveness of Both the Opal Gemstones

Though both aurora opal gemstones and synthetic opal gemstones are man-made aurora opal crystals are on the expensive side. It is because of its unique patterns and play of color.

It displays a variety of colors like:

  • Hues of green
  • Hues of purple
  • Hues of blue
  • Hues of fiery reds
  • Hues of oranges when disposed to light

One cannot easily differentiate between the man-made opals and naturally formed opals of Australia. Though these look stunning they are not natural opal gemstones and do not have the healing properties that are seen in natural opals.


As we have made out both aurora opal crystals and synthetic opal gemstones are man-made. Their main aim is to provide more similar opals to that of the natural opals found in Australia.

These reflect light to a greater extent and show better play of colors when exposed to light from different angles. But through the information, one can say that aurora opals are more like the natural opals that are extracted from nature.

Thus, this is a complete comparative guide about aurora opals vs. synthetic opals. Keeping this in mind one can decide whether to buy artificial opal gemstones or natural ones.

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